UT105 Automotive Tester UNI-T


UT105 Automobile Multimeter

Specially designed for automobiles diagnostic. It combines RPM, DWELL, and other multimeter functions. The series is useful for automobile maintenance personnel to diagnose traditional vehicles and hybrid electric vehicles. Its applications include working on fuse, switch, solenoid, relay,

charging system, fuel system, engine sensing etc.
Its applications include working on fuse, switch, solenoid, relay, charging system, fuel system, engine sensing etc.
Specifications Range UT105
DC voltage (V) 200mV/2V/20V/200V/1000V ±(0.5%+5)
AC voltage (V) 2V/20V/200V/750V ±(0.8%+5)
DC current (A) 200mA/10A ±(0.8%+5)
Resistance (Ω) 200Ω/2kΩ/20kΩ/200kΩ/2MΩ/20MΩ ±(0.8%+5)
Display count 2000
Manual range
Input impedance for DCV Around 10MΩ
Dwell/Tach 4CYL/6CYL/8CYL ±(3%+5)
General Characteristics
Power 9V battery (6F22)