Accessible Toilet Kit NC951



Disable Toilet Kit by CTEC
Κιτ συναγερμού προστασίας Aποχωρητήριου Αναπήρων

Includes everything required for a BS8300 emergency assistance alarm.
Allows a distressed person to raise an alarm in the event of an emergency.
To operate, the user pulls the cord of a ceiling pull to activate a light
and sounder outside the WC and on the system’s Call Controller.
Includes an NC943B 12V 140mA Call Controller c/w standby battery and relay
NC807C Ceiling Pull
NC806CS Overdoor Light c/w Sounder
NC809DBBT Accessible Toilet Reset Point c/w Sounder
NC949 Accessible WC Sticker.
Can be wired in 4 core stranded security cable.
Can also be used as a single zone emergency assistance alarm in changing rooms,
solariums, interview rooms, reception areas and more.
